We’re your go-to solution for fast and professional TV repairs at competitive prices.

If your TV is not performing as well as it ought to be for you, there are still some factors to consider before deciding to give up on the unit and start shopping for a new one.

Give us a call so we can dispatch one of our experienced technicians to inspect your TV

In many cases, we’re able to repair the TV and restore it back to reliable working order.

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some situations when TVs are beyond repair

Of course, there are some situations when TVs are beyond the repair stage and should simply be replaced. A broken screen, for example it’s probably time for a new set.

But, before arriving at that decision, contact ABC TV Repair if your TV shows any of the following signs:

Before concluding the unit is at the end of its service life, though, you’ll want to confirm that the pixels are not simply “stuck.”

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Color distortion

This is a clear sign your TV needs professional repairs from our experienced technicians. Traditionally, this is an issue that tends to happen gradually, so viewers don’t always notice any major difference right away. This is because of the common factor that the colors usually diminish in quality one at a time.

Lines and bars

If the screen starts displaying lines and bars this often indicates that there is an problem with a connector. It can occur if something magnetic is placed close to the TV. Lines in Tvs may be caused by faulty circuit boards.

Digital transmission signal error noises

. The problem can be on account of cables that are loose within the unit, which our technicians can probably repair for you promptly.

Image retention

Also known as screen burn-in, except this definition is not always entirely applicable. Screen burn-in is a far more serious problem that involves the degradation.

You might be able to do something about this problem by adjusting the contrast and brightness levels on your TV.

Another common TV problem is when the image that’s displayed on the screen becomes fuzzy and out of focus. The smaller visual details tend to lose sharpness and the general quality of the image simply declines, which quickly affects the viewing experience.